DT&H and


ACTS Clients

Adult Client Training Service (ACTS) provides comprehensive programs and services assisting adult persons with disabilities in attaining their individual, physical, social, emotional, and vocational goals all while having fun!

Habilitation can best be described as health and social services needed for physical, intellectual, emotional and social life.  Like rehabilitation, habilitation can include physical, occupational, or speech therapy.  The ACTS staff is experienced in working with individuals with all levels of physical, cognitive and behavioral challenges.

The ACTS DT&H and Prevocational Services program includes:

  • Supervision to help learn and utilize life skills
  • Support in choosing activities to participate in that are personally meaningful.
  • Support to learn to participate in community life.

Our goal at ACTS is to train and equip our clients for meaningful employment and provide an environment conducive to success.  We serve individuals from Renville County and surrounding areas. We are licensed by the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services to serve up to 50 individuals.

ACTS Direct Care Support Staff

ACTS Direct Care Support Staff

To be eligible to participate in the ACTS DT&H or Prevocational Services program a person must meet these four criteria:

Be a minimum of 18 years of age.

Be diagnosed with a developmental disability or related condition.

Receive home and community based services through one of the following:

  • Medical Assistance
  • County Contract
  • Home and Community Based Waiver such as the DD Waiver
  • Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals Waiver (CADI Waiver)
  • Be living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD)

Make an informed choice to receive our services.

ACTS Senior Leadership Team

ACTS Senior Leadership Team


At ACTS we understand how stressful choosing the proper DT&H or Prevocational service for your needs can be.
We’re here to help you every step of the way through that process.

The Department of Human Services may pay for services on individuals screened to meet all of our eligibility criteria.  Private pay or other funding options may also be available.  We will work with you from the beginning of the enrollment process providing transparency in numbers and expectations.

If you know someone who would benefit from the Day Training & Habilitation or Prevocational Services provided by ACTS, please contact us.  We are happy to answer any questions you might have and arrange a time to tour our facility.



Adult Client Training Service, Inc. (ACTS) is a private, non-profit service located in Olivia, Minnesota.  Our doors opened in 1967 as a day activity center for children and adults with disabilities.  

Over fifty years later we remain serving the area as one of the top day training and habilitation centers (DT&H) assisting developmentally disabled adults and people with related conditions in central Minnesota.


Providing programs and services assisting persons with disabilities in attaining their individual, physical, social, emotional, and vocational goals all while having fun!